Shipping is free. All available shipping methods and actual delivery times for your order will be clearly displayed at checkout, after entering your shipping address. If you are purchasing multiple items, they may be delivered separately on different days.
Delivery usually takes 3-5 business days from the date of the purchase. Over the next few days, delivery may take up to an extra 5-6 days if we send items from one of our stores, contrary to the statement made at check-out.
We will send you the Tracking Number for your package by email. You can also follow the delivery online through the Track Your Order page.
Signature is required at delivery of all orders for security purposes. In case nobody is available to sign for the package for two consecutive working days, the courier will leave a notification and a contact number.
Please note working days are Monday through Friday, excluding local and national holidays.
You can follow your package and check the expected delivery date from the Track Your Order page, or in your account if you placed your order as a registered customer.
Please note that the Tracking Number will be activated within 24 hours from when the order is dispatched, therefore you may not find any updates immediately after shipment. We kindly ask you to check back the following day.
Вы можете изменить страну/регион, куда вы хотели бы отправить ваш заказ, нажав на Shipping to (Доставка в) в нижней части веб-сайта.
Просим вас иметь в виду, что содержимое вашей Корзины соотносится с каждой страной-регионом. Поэтому, при изменении места доставки, товары из вашей корзины исчезнут, и вам придется произвести выбор снова. Изменения также могут коснуться нашего каталога и способов оплаты и доставки.
All orders are elegantly presented in our signature packaging, with the iconic Fendi Logo design.
If you're buying a gift, you can also add a personal message. Gift orders can be shipped directly to the receiver, as prices will not be visible.