Click HERE to view the latest version of the Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 approved by Fendi Srl Board of Directors.
Fendi Srl established the Supervisory Body in accordance with applicable law and aimed at supervising the implementation and adequacy of the Organisation, Management and Control Model.
Members of the Supervisory Body of Fendi Srl are:
Avv. Maurizio Bortolotto – Chairman, External Member
Avv. Andrea Albano – Internal Member and WW General Counsel FENDI
Dott.ssa Carmen Paravento – Internal Member and WW Compliance Manager FENDI
LVMH and Fendi promote an open communication and dialogue within the Group, with its external partners and clients (“stakeholders”). For this reason, the Group has decided to create the LVMH Alert Line, an online interface that offers a completely confidential and secure means of reporting, in good faith, violations of the law or of regulations or principles of internal conduct.
Find out more about the LVMH Alert Line (LVMH ALERT LINE – LVMH)