E-commerce Seller: Fendi Italia Srl
Website editor: Fendi Srl
Website hosting provider: SFDC EMEA Data Centre Limited
Website Owner: Fendi Srl
Company organised and existing under the laws of Italy with registered address at Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, Quadrato della Concordia 3, 00144 Rome, Italy
VAT: 03897971002
Tax Code - Register of enterprises of Rome: 03897971002
R.E.A. RM - 712787
Subject to the direction and coordination of LVMH MOET HENNESSY LOUIS VUITTON SE
Share capital: Euro 1,000,000 fully paid-in
Legal Representative : Andrea Rigogliosi,
Email Address: fendiitalia@legalmail.it
Telephone number: +39 06 334501
Company organised and existing under the laws of Italy with registered address at Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, Quadrato della Concordia 3, 00144 Rome, Italy
VAT: 00900421009
Tax Code - Register of enterprises of Rome: 00466430584
R.E.A. RM – 316816RM
Subject to the direction and coordination of LVMH MOET HENNESSY LOUIS VUITTON SE
Share capital: Euro 13.291.203,94 i.v.
Legal Representative : Serge Francois Brunschwig
Email Address: fendi@legalmail.it
Telephone number:+39 06 334501
The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. FENDI is currently not participating in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration body. There is no obligation on FENDI to participate.
Supervisory Body
Members of the Supervisory Body of Fendi Srl are:
Prof. Avv. Mario Casellato - Chairman, External Member
Ing. Alberto Fabbri - Governance & Compliance Director FENDI
Avv. Elisa D’Amico - Internal Member and WW Compliance Manager FENDI
Members of the Supervisory Body of Fendi Italia S.r.l. are:
Prof. Avv. Mario Casellato - Chairman, External Member
Ing. Alberto Fabbri - Governance & Compliance Director FENDI
Avv. Elisa D’Amico - Internal Member and WW Compliance Manager FENDI